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eProcurement specifications and standards

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Specification/standard Description Related solution Related category
IDABC eProcurement XML schemas XML schemas for eProcurement. Directive 2004/18/EC Policy
Directive 2004/17/EC Policy
CODICE Guidelines & templates
EU: IDABC Public eProcurement - Physical Database Model  Guidelines & templates
CEN BII Guidelines & templates
Business Interoperability Interfaces for Public procurement in Europe - Part 0: Introduction Specifications & standards
Open e-Prior Software
Business Interoperability Interfaces for Public procurement in Europe - Part 0: Introduction

This CWA addresses the next step of standardization for the data exchange within an infrastructure shared by business partners. The focus is the semantics of the public procurement business processes built by xml based vocabularies specified by UBL 2.0 and UN/CEFACT core components. This is expressed in the CWA profile descriptions. A profile description is a technical specification describing:

- The choreography of the business processes.

- The business rules governing the execution of these business processes.

EU: IDABC Public eProcurement - Physical Database Model  Guidelines & templates
CEN BII Guidelines & templates
IDABC eProcurement XML schemas Specifications & standards
Common Procurement Vocabulary Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) was created in order to facilitate the processing of invitations to tender published in the Official Journal by means of a single classification system to describe the subject matter of public contracts. This classification endeavours to cover all requirements for supplies, works and services. Open e-Prior Software
EC Regulation 213/2008 Policy
Listpoint Services
Single Face to Industry (Sweden) The Single Face To Industry (SFTI) is a joint effort, with representation from all three levels, on marketing and awareness activities related to electronic procurement, on development of common specifications, on encouragement of systems development and implementation, and on support to interoperability. CEN BII Guidelines & templates
Library of data elements

This guideline is a deliverable of the second CEN Workshop on Business Interoperability Interfaces for public

procurement in Europe (WS/BII2).

The objective of the BII initiative is to provide a framework for interoperability in pan-European electronic

procurement transactions, expressed as a set of requirements and technical specifications. The

requirements are input into UN/CEFACT in order to ensure global interoperability.

CEN BII Guidelines & templates
CPV Codes (tree format) Tree format version of Common Procurement Vocabulary. As published in EC Regulation 213/2008. Listpoint Services
CPV Supplementary Codes  Common Procurement Vocabulary supplementary codes. As published in EC Regulation 213/2008. Listpoint Services
Open e-Trustex  Demo Framework

The e-TrustEx demo framework consists of test cases to assist the user in running

test cases for the e-TrustEx platform.

Open e-TrustEx Services
UBL 2.1 OASIS Standard - PDF OASIS standard Universal Business Language Version 2.1 - PDF OASIS UBL 2.1 Guidelines & templates
UBL 2.1 OASIS Standard - XML OASIS standard Universal Business Language Version 2.1 - XML OASIS UBL 2.1 Guidelines & templates
UBL 2.1 OASIS Standard - html OASIS standard Universal Business Language Version 2.1 - HTML OASIS UBL 2.1 Guidelines & templates