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Digital-ready policymaking - Your feedback!

Published on: 25/03/2021 Discussion

Have you seen our ideas on digital-ready policymaking?

Did we get the main components and key enabler right? Is anything missing in your view?

Do you have any inspiring resources to share on this topic with the community?

Join our discussion!




Astrid Solhaug Thu, 08/04/2021 - 16:11

Dear colleagues, 

This is a very impressive draft, well done! We are working on something similar at national level in Norway at the moment, and it's not an easy task. I in particular like that you keep it so short and to the point, without any additional text that makes it longer and more difficult to read through and use. I believe keeping it brief will enhace the chance that it is used in practice. 

At national level we have a slightly different scope. Whereas you are drafting principles for digital ready policies, we are drafting principles for "digitalisation friendly legislation" with the aim that legislation (regardless of policy area) should facilitate implementation of the government's strategy (policy) for digitalisation. 

I'll get back to you with some more detailed comments after discussing it more with my team, but just wanted to let you know already now that we're looking at it and find this very interesting, and a very good starting point!

Best regards,

Astrid Solhaug

National resource centre for sharing of data, Norway

Astrid Solhaug Thu, 29/04/2021 - 15:05

Dear colleagues, 

we had a more thorough look at your proposal, and actually don't have much to add. We find this a very good draft! We strongly support multidiciplinary teams as a foundation for good, digital ready policy and legislation. As a minor point you may consider: many will probably look at the figure only, or at least see the figure before they read the explanatory texts. For two of the boxes/headlines, nbr. 2 and 5, you could consider adjusting the titles to make them more intuitively clear and understandable. As suggestions, you could for instance add to nbr. 2 "Align with digital policies" and nbr. 5 could also be described as "Future proof".

It could also be useful if you add links to, for instance, the most important digital policy documents and some good practice examples. 

Apart from that, we don't have anything to add or other suggestions for imrpovement at this stage.

We look forward to seing the views and coments of others as well.

Best regards,

Astrid Solhaug

on behalf of the Norwegian Resource Centre for Sharing of Data,

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency 

Isa Katharina VON KALBEN Thu, 29/04/2021 - 15:56

Dear Astrid,

thank you very much for your comments and suggestions that I very much like.

In the meantime we have done an internal workshop with European Commission staff and will upload a slightly adapted version soon. A longer and linked version will be published, when the European Commission is finishing the revision of the Better Regulation Toolbox

We would also love to learn on the forming Norwegian Guidelines on the topic. Feel free to share on the platform!

Kind regards

Isa from the Legal Interoperability team