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Who we are

We are the legal interoperability team of the European Commission (DIGIT):

LIOP team


Our vision and mission

By advocating for better legislation and more digital-ready policies in the EU and in the Member States, we aim to transform current policymaking practices to reach policies that are more smoothly implementable. Therefore, we are building a living and continuously growing multi-disciplinary community on better legislation with the aim to share good practices and co-create tools with interoperability in mind, focusing on:  

More specifically, we articulate our vision and mission as follows:

vision mission

Download our full vision paper here

Our audience

We see three main segments as part of our ecosystem: 


Our objective

Our objective is to build connections between the various segments and create a common universe.


Interoperability happens when you connect to the right people at the right moment, therefore:

We are developing this community to share knowledge and connect you with experts and relevant stakeholders from EU Institutions,  other public administrations  & beyond – Join us!

We promote several events where you can have first-hand contact with people from various backgrounds and experiences related to the drafting and implementation of policies, facilitating the establishment of long-lasting collaborative relationships.

We keep you up-to-date on best practices, policies, tools and services that can be relevant to your policy domain. Visit our pages on Digital-ready policymaking, Legislation & Technology and Regulatory Reporting for more insights and subscribe to our newsletter here!

We are building a BLSI training programme that will make you more versed in the before-mentioned topics. Our training will deal with the subject of multidisciplinary teams as well, which enable the design of European public policies and legislation for efficient and effective implementation.

More generally, we act upon the call from the Berlin Declaration on Digital Society and Value-based Digital Government to:

  1. “Ensure through the Better Regulation framework that policies and legislative acts proposed by the European Commission are digital-ready and interoperable by default.
  2. Support the exchange with Member States through a community around Better Legislation; and
  3. Pilot and share solutions.”

Read more about our current activities here