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Our research

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Public governance paradigms


public governance


The activities provide a framework for understanding and improving public governance processes and outcomes' effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy. They provide an understanding of the complex and dynamic nature of public governance and identify innovative and adaptive governance strategies better suited to address the evolving needs and expectations of citizens and stakeholders in a rapidly changing world. We investigate especially the impacts of digital transformations in this context.



Digital-ready policymaking


public governance

The activities enable policymakers and public administrators to leverage the potential of digital technologies and data-driven insights to design, implement, and evaluate policies that are more effective, efficient, and responsive to citizens' needs and expectations. By adopting a digital-ready approach to policymaking, governments can not only better achieve legal interoperability, they may also enhance their capacity to collect and analyse data, engage with stakeholders, co-create solutions, and monitor and evaluate policy outcomes in real time. 




Innovative public services


innovative public service

The activities aim to improve the quality, accessibility, and effectiveness of public services by leveraging digital and emerging technologies, and innovative organisational and delivery models. By adopting a human-centric approach to service design, delivery and evaluation, public authorities can better understand citizens' needs and preferences, co-create solutions that are tailored to their needs. A more efficient and responsive services delivery will help public administration to act as part of agile ecosystems, which puts taxpayers and their needs at the centre of public service delivery.



Monitoring digital transitions

monitoring digital transitions

The activities provide a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the progress, opportunities, and challenges of digital transformation and interoperability of the European public sector. By collecting and analysing relevant data and indicators, policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders can gain insights into the key drivers, trends, and impacts of digital transition in the public sector in different regions of the EU. This can inform evidence-based policymaking, identify emerging risks and opportunities, and support the design, implementation and evaluation of effective digital policies and strategies at the EU, national, and sub-national levels.


Community Engagement 


Community Engagement


The activities empower and engage different stakeholders, communities and citizens in the decision-making process and ensure that their voices and perspectives are taken into account in developing and implementing digital policies, programs, and solutions that affect them. This work aims to create a collaborative and participatory environment where groups and individuals can express their needs and expectations, share their knowledge and expertise, and take part in co-creating processes.